Our partnership with Composites Innovation Centre was one of the best investments of time and money for our company in 2011. We firmly believe that to excel in our industry, we must find and maximize differentiation from the competition. To become different, we must be on the leading edge of innovation. CIC is on the forefront of the bio-composite materials industry and our partnership with them proved to be one of the most successful projects we have ever undertaken. As a result, we have developed a world’s first technology with the help of CIC and plan to be the first in the industry to introduce it to truly differentiate our products from the competition and offer uncompromised niche benefits not found anywhere else.
Composites Innovation Centre took the time to understand our business, industry, and needs which is of utmost importance. As a result, our collaboration was fluid and made reaching our ultimate goal that much more achievable. We look forward to a continued relationship with CIC and further advancing our product offerings with the knowledge, expertise, and technology CIC has to offer.
-Joel Pykkonen
V.P. Business Development
Chopper College